"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Zayn leaving ( yes another post on this sorry)

Hey guys it's IK here. Well the internet has exploded with news about Zayn Malik leaving One Direction. I used to be a directioner a while ago and to be honest I don't think One Direction will be the same without Zayn. I even tweeted to the band saying that they should be called 0.8 Direction now since they can't be One Direction without Zayn ( quoting Liam Payne himself).

Honestly if I listen to their songs now , I feel weird knowing that Zayn won't ever sing his parts again. I respect the people who cried for Zayn because One Direction is their special band and helped them in their hard times and make them feel special as well. Everyone has their special bands and for Directioners , One Direction is theirs. Laughing at people who cry over Zayn isn't nice at all because if someone from your favourite band left , wouldn't you feel sad?

In my opinion, I think Zayn could've left after the world tour was over because people bought tickets to go see 5/5 not 4/5. My friend bought tickets to see 5/5 of them on her birthday and now she's upset because she won't be able to see Zayn which is quite sad really.

I swear I had a One Direction song marathon the minute I heard about Zayn leaving. So for all the Directioners out there here's a song from One Direction for your broken hearts.

One Direction : Where Do Broken Hearts Go?

Fortunately the world won't miss Zayn's voice because we have YouTube to listen to One Direction songs that have Zayn's voice in them (all of them do at the momento) and it looks like Zayn is signed to Syco Records as a solo artist and that his album may be released early next year. Fingers crossed.
Ok that's it from me today.

- IK

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