"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Saturday, 11 April 2015

See You Again (ft. Charlie Puth)

Another song review?

       Yes, and it's by the same person.

Hi guys, it's ST here and today I want to talk to you about a song made for the latest Fast and Furious movie.

        It is by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth and is an obvious tribute to Paul Walker.

R.I.P Paul, forever you will remain in our hearts.

        But guys remember he said,

'If one day the speed kills me, don't cry cause I was smiling'

        I don't know how much you know about his death but he did die of speeding, ironically.

His car was absouletly trashed.

        Enough about him, listen to this amazing song, and amazing tribute to Paul Walker, if you watch the video, careful cause it is slightly touching and for people like FAJ who are easy criers watch out.

Bye Butterflies

       - ST

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