"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Uma Thurman

First of all HAPPY EARTH DAY!

          Sorry I just saw it on google.

Any who so... We got our first #AskRejects question and although I was planning to make a review post I thought this is now a special occasion because someone has asked a question, using our #!

          This was the question:
And encase you haven't seen the video yet (how dare you? jk) here it is:

         I would like to claim the first viewer out of our six to see the video. So I will, infact, I think I just did. So hah LI.

I love Fall Out Boy, not necessarily their most recent album though. I think, don't hate, but their older stuff was better.

        To the video!

I liked the video... But it confused me. I think the theme of the video and the theme of the song was completely different. I thought that the video was about a girl that I presumed one of them liked but in the video it was about a fan.

      Now I think of it, it semi relates. I guess...

I don't know what to say. It was an amazing video (if you are willing to take the opinion of a FOB fanatic). I mean, when people make amazing music it is hard to say anything bad about it. It was a favourite of mine but my current one is Irresistible, that, or Immortals, and no it's not because it is the Big Hero 6 song, pshhh.

      Please, watch the video. Comment your opinion below, it's nice to know we have viewers, thanks for reading (am I going to be more formal now? *prays it's a no*)

Bye Butterflies

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