"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Friday, 26 December 2014

Holidays, school and awkwardness

Hello earthpeps,
Okay it is now the holidays and you can sit back and relax and well do whatever. Most people will go out. well not me. I have been described as very, well 'Anti-social' by my annoying brother and my sister. Well sis and bro me and my friends blog name is called 'Social Rejects' in the name.

Well any way i am quite socially awkward, i don't know why i just go weird around people and say stupid thing or do stupid things, even though i act normal in front of my mates, well i love my besties to bits.

So that is one of the reasons im quite anti social and as our school teacher would say: "anti social behaviour is not acceptable in this school" , well sorry miss you cant change me.

I may be well, on good terms with school but they are some fun things about it, like i remember one time in year 8 Me ST, IK and LI where in science and there was a supply teacher called  MR StinkyINeedToTakeABath. and well lets say me and mr stinky aren't well friends. any way i was singing (quite loudly)and sir asked me to stop, so i did for about 20 seconds then i started again and on the 3rd time he said i had to stop so i went on with a rant about human rights and how this country was a free country (my speech was a mazing it brought tears to my eyes because well i was amazing) and he kicked me out ( i know rebel) and i kept coming back in to annoy him and when he did let me in i got my stuff walke out of class and said " im gonna sue you, you know. Im telling ma sista she da police" and well walked out and waited for my besties downstairs.

Well that is just one fun memory we have so much more but most of them are with us a group because lets face it teachers are well ugh.

Thats all guys and here is a song that i came back on even though it was out about 6 years ago it is my favourite song by ALL TIME LOW, hope you enjoy.

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