"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Sunday, 18 January 2015


Can we just talk about movies for a second?

I have been watching quite a lot of movies lately, and I know that's bad but my life is boring, and so jam packed, sometimes you need a little escape.

So any who, I watched the hunger games. Can I just rave for a moment. Asdfghjkl. OMG. It is frickin, amazing.
             And I was all up in here like, nah, it's not my type of movie.... Man I need to shut my mouth sometimes.
         It's amazing. I've seen one and two and part of part three.

What do you think?

Peetah or Gale?

See when I was flying to India, for my annual holiday, I saw just like the first five minutes because everyone at my primary/elementary school had been raving about it.
    Yeah, I learnt why. I'm kind of late to the hype, but the movies are amazing, as far as I'm told the books aren't as good. And I have read about one chapter for myself it's kind of boring. No hate.

Then our beloved FAJ has got me hooked onto another series called The Maze Runner. She is obsessed with Newt, no like seriously, she should see someone about that.
           So her parents are going on vacation in February (ma birthday month) and her sister said we could go over to her house, her parents would usually not allow this. She said we could all watch The Maze Runner together, but I kinda wanted to read the books first. So I am. Courtesy of FAJ. Who, by the way, I think has already seen the first movie, impatient girl...

Anyway so I think that is it. I just wanted to tell you about that. Yeah, I'm kind of into Action movies. Oh my, Marvels: Age Of Ultron, can't wait.

Oh yeah, also, there is some personal problems in our group, and because of this, uploading content may be slower then usual.
        We hope you don't mind.


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