"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Thursday, 5 February 2015


Hi guys, just me again.
So, I'm going to be... 14 soon, as of 20th of February... And this thought has been going through my head, more than it should but...

I don't want to grow up.

Up till, I guess the age of thirteen I felt young, excited for each birthday. And now I'm just not feeling it but instead of feeling my maturity in my actions, I'm seeing it in my physical appearance.

And I know this is terribly cliché but, I don't want to grow up. I mean yah, presents are great and all but birthdays are starting to freak me out, especially if their my own.

The thing is, the shocking thought, I'm going to be fifteen next year... Yeah, no thanks.

And even more frightening then that, me and our small group have a plan to move out and live by ourselves but together.

That's not that long from now and honestly my studies are what I want my priority to be. I don't want to think about my future as in living wise. I'm happy to think I'd still be living in my family home, and the fact that... I'll be out with my friends in a couple of years is daunting.

Scary in fact.

I mean... After life is death and I don't know what you believe but after death may be a potential after life... It's so scary. I wish I was Peter Pan and that I'd never grow up, but I guess some things are just... Impossible.

Your life is only so long, myself personally I need to learn to cherish moments, right now, my life is going past way to fast and I have no way to slow it down.

Who knows what the future may hold for anything about us in life, as long as your around. Cherish life, cause it's not for long...

I'm sorry if I freaked some of you out or if you have your own views, please, feel free to comment below

Bye Butterflies


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