"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Saturday, 28 February 2015


Warning: Please pardon any swearing and use of caps in this blog post, thank you :)
LIKE NO, YOU DON'T DO THAT DO A 14 YEAR OLD. That's right, I'm 14 ;)
So in a weeks time I will be finalising my options. Practically the rest of my life. My citizenship teacher assured my class that there is nothing to be afraid of and that you could change your options later.
But it is just the thought of, okay, options → exams → stress. And no. Okay, just no.
I already have classes after school for two hours and I know what your thinking why not drop the classes. I would if my mum would let me! My mum thinks I hate the teacher I have in the second half of the class... And maybe I do. But seriously if you were in that class you would be scared shitless I swear.
And the teacher doesn't even speak fricking English but she's still frightening.
Any who getting sidetracked.
Back to possibly the most stressful times of my life to date.
I mean yeah we have all done SATs but SATs don't mean shit. They are just stupid worthless exams that mean nothing. And we don't choose what we want to do we are forced with the options, sounds worse, is far better. And just to add on to the pile of greatness our curriculum is changing and next years GCSE students which will be us, will get a new curriculum.
We won't even have any past papers to prepare with, at least the year after us will. But thankfully not everything is changing only English, Maths and Science. Still, it is a horrible thing.
I'm a last minute type of person and this is definitely a months in advance thing to try and prepare for. I just don't find it far that the year previous to us got two weeks and we are getting one and we are, on top of that, having exams that are more stressful.
We get four things we get to pick and I have a rough idea of what I want to pick:
  • German, then second option French if I don't get German
  • Drama, then second option Catering if I don't get Drama
  • I.C.T, then second option Textiles if I don't get I.C.T
I also want to take a humanities. I can't decide between Geography or History. At first I was set on History, but then the teacher I liked retired and now we have a different teacher who I don't like as much and personally don't think teaches as well. Any who, yesterday LI said to me that I should take Geography instead, which got me thinking. I like the teacher, I am good at the subject and I, more or less, enjoy it. So I know what your thinking, okay, so just go for Geography, but the thing is I feel conflicted. I don't even know why.

So that was my rant for this week. I feel as if Roger Rabbit, by Sleeping With Sirens relates to this situation because it kind of reminds me to be careful to not make the wrong choices cause I am doing the English Baccalaureate and for that you must do a humanities subject from Geography or History because Religious Education isn't an optional G.C.S.E. I'll link the song below, listen to it and I hope you liked this post

Bye Butterflies

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