"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Parents Evening

Hey guys. LI here I know I haven't been here in awhile but I am seriously stressing about parents evening.

So parents evening is tomorrow and I'm predicting all my teachers are going to tell my mother that I talk a lot. My mum is a perfectionist so if my teachers tell her I have good grades but I talk a lot, she is going to look at that specific part which is negative.

It's really annoying actually cause I work hard on my studies so I can get good grades and enter the field of work I want to do ( Criminal Profiler).

I have two teachers I can predict right now are going to say I talk a lot in their class. My science and french teacher, im science me and IK sit next to each other and okay sometimes we talk but most of the time she calls on us we are actually doing out work.My french teacher... well she just hates me. It's a hate-hate relationship.

For example today I was ill and I put my head down cause I felt like shit she starts shouting my name in the middle of the class. I'm just like lady you's got some issues.

So basically parents evening is a very depressing time, since I only live with my mother she comes everytime. It's weird cause my father bothered to show up to my brothers parents evening but he doesn't even know what mine looks like. Not that I want him to come anyway. I thought he might have payed interest this year though since teachers are giving us input on our GCSEs but oh well.

If any of you guys have parents evening anytime, I wish you all the best.

Adios Bitchachos.

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