Hey guys it's IK here and I wanted to add to what ST has wrote about.
Everyone says that the teenage years in someone's life are the most dangerous, because that's when your hormones kick in and take over you a bit and you start meeting new people and starting having a different perspective on life. All six of us are teenagers and I don't think any of us understood this 'dangerous teenage years' thing but I think now we do, or at least ST and I do. Our awesome friendship between the six of us is literally on the edge of life and death.
SK and I have known each other since we were three, so it's been about 11 years for our friendship. SP and I have known each other for about 6-7 years as well. I met FAJ, ST and LI in secondary but we connected. We have two other friends in our group too who didn't join in with the blog but I know if they read this they'll be saying: 'For once IK hasn't forgotten us.'
For the last three years, the eight of us have been inseparable but the year when friendship really starts to strengthen up, we're all breaking down.
Maybe it's the stress of our GCSEs that are coming in a while or the fact that we're all getting older. ST has already told you about how this problem started with SK saying something really sad to FAJ and then FAJ completely broke down and still hasn't forgiven her ; but in my opinion I'm gonna take FAJ's side here because once friendship is broken you can't fix it to make it be like how it was before. I have a quote for this:
' Friendship is like glass ornament, once it's broken it can RARELY be put back together exactly the same way.'
It wasn't just friendship that was broken it was trust and there's a quote to say what I want to say:
' Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken but you will still be able to see the cracks.'
I'm honestly very hurt about the decision SK and SP have made because they haven't given us much of an explanation on why they're leaving. If they want to leave they should give us some sort of explanation as to why they are going. The goodbye will hurt more if we they don't give us an explanation because then I feel as if I'm not worthy of an explanation.
The two of them say that they feel left out but I don't know how they feel that way because we all make sure that we're including everyone in. I don't even know what to do anymore because I've tried but no one listens. Yes it's true that we do care for FAJ a lot but she needs it , we don't give her attention because she asks for it, we give it to her because she genuinely needs it.
Let's just hope things get back to normal and if they don't then let's hope for the best.
Ok for the past couple of posts we've been really depressing so now I'm gonna talk about Style by Taylor Swift. The song is actually quite good and the chorus is so damn catchy that I'm singing it around the house. Just saying the guy in her video is Dominic Sherwood and he played Christian Ozera in Vampire Academy. Anywho the video is actually pretty technical because of all the reflection ish going on but damn I have to keep saying this: the song is so freaking catchy. Some people say it's about Harry Styles due to the title ' Style ' but please can you just listen to the music for once.
The second video I want to talk about is One Last Time by Ariana Grande and I swear that song is amazing as well and very catchy. When she fought with the old man and he kept on ' fakely' falling it made me laugh, I'm a mean person sometimes, never forget the sometimes. My little brother was like ' why do you keep listening to these two songs on repeat?' My reply of course was that good music deserves to be repeated.
The videos are below:
SK and I have known each other since we were three, so it's been about 11 years for our friendship. SP and I have known each other for about 6-7 years as well. I met FAJ, ST and LI in secondary but we connected. We have two other friends in our group too who didn't join in with the blog but I know if they read this they'll be saying: 'For once IK hasn't forgotten us.'
For the last three years, the eight of us have been inseparable but the year when friendship really starts to strengthen up, we're all breaking down.
Maybe it's the stress of our GCSEs that are coming in a while or the fact that we're all getting older. ST has already told you about how this problem started with SK saying something really sad to FAJ and then FAJ completely broke down and still hasn't forgiven her ; but in my opinion I'm gonna take FAJ's side here because once friendship is broken you can't fix it to make it be like how it was before. I have a quote for this:
' Friendship is like glass ornament, once it's broken it can RARELY be put back together exactly the same way.'
It wasn't just friendship that was broken it was trust and there's a quote to say what I want to say:
' Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken but you will still be able to see the cracks.'
I'm honestly very hurt about the decision SK and SP have made because they haven't given us much of an explanation on why they're leaving. If they want to leave they should give us some sort of explanation as to why they are going. The goodbye will hurt more if we they don't give us an explanation because then I feel as if I'm not worthy of an explanation.
The two of them say that they feel left out but I don't know how they feel that way because we all make sure that we're including everyone in. I don't even know what to do anymore because I've tried but no one listens. Yes it's true that we do care for FAJ a lot but she needs it , we don't give her attention because she asks for it, we give it to her because she genuinely needs it.
Let's just hope things get back to normal and if they don't then let's hope for the best.
Ok for the past couple of posts we've been really depressing so now I'm gonna talk about Style by Taylor Swift. The song is actually quite good and the chorus is so damn catchy that I'm singing it around the house. Just saying the guy in her video is Dominic Sherwood and he played Christian Ozera in Vampire Academy. Anywho the video is actually pretty technical because of all the reflection ish going on but damn I have to keep saying this: the song is so freaking catchy. Some people say it's about Harry Styles due to the title ' Style ' but please can you just listen to the music for once.
The second video I want to talk about is One Last Time by Ariana Grande and I swear that song is amazing as well and very catchy. When she fought with the old man and he kept on ' fakely' falling it made me laugh, I'm a mean person sometimes, never forget the sometimes. My little brother was like ' why do you keep listening to these two songs on repeat?' My reply of course was that good music deserves to be repeated.
The videos are below:
Ok I'll talk to you guys next time oh and it's ST's birthday on Friday, just saying.
- IK
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