"Anything That Is Everything"

"Anything That Is

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Star Wars

Hey guys it's IK here and guessing by the title you must know that I'm talking about the one... and the only... STAR WARS FRANCHISE!

LI, ST and I have been having a Star Wars marathon (my third one :D) in anticipation of Star Wars:The Force Awakens. Everytime I watch the series my heart just shatters and I just... I just can't reciprocate my emotions with my actions anymore.

Anywho can I just say that the original three films are better than the prequels - no offence. The original series were just more captivating and then Episode 6 was just a heart wrench I swear. One more thing I'd like to point out is that people who don't watch Star Wars and just follow the rumours believe that the way Luke found out that Darth Vader was his father (it's not a spoiler as practically the whole world knows) is by the line,"Luke, I am your father," when in fact the line is actually, "no, I am you father." BOMB DROPPED.

At the end of Episode 3 is where the complications of Padme's death arise (again not a spoiler since the film's been out for like 10 years). There's a theory which I believe is quite realistic (in the fantasy sense that is) that Chancellor Palpatine took the Living Force out of Padme after she gave birth to the twins and gave the life to Anakin as he was so very close to dying but as Anakin was going to be his new apprentice he needed him to be alive. After Anakin had fully transformed into Darth Vader he could sense that Padme was alive for a minute before suddenly feeling that she had died. Chancellor Palpatine knew that Padme had died because he was the cause of it. As Padme took her final breaths, Anakin took his first ones in the form of Darth Vader.

There's another one where Padme just lost the will to live after she had realised what Anakin had become, and then again Anakin had strangled her which shows her that his love for her was basically demolished. So you could say she died of a broken heart. How unfortunate. Stupid Anakin.

Yoda though :D I love Yoda honestly. The original Yoda (puppet) was better than the CGI version in my opinion and now I feel quite old by saying that eventhough I'm only fourteen. *Sigh* Yoda is just amazing. Actually a teacher at our school can do a pretty awesome Yoda impersonation. LI and I were so shocked but ST and FAJ were just laughing. We were laughing at your reactions :) - ST The Force is strong within us as you may have noticed. Absolutely amazing, Yoda is. There's a bit of Yoda talk for you.
Episode 5 : The Empire Strikes back is where Luke first meets Yoda and their first meeting was absolutely hilarious. I'm gonna link it for you guys.

The Force Awakens has awoken so go and watch it and comment below about your favourite Star Wars film/s. May The Force Be With You.

IF YOU'RE LIKE STELLA FROM How I Met Your Mother AND YOU DON'T LIKE STAR WARS... let's just say may the force not be with you xD just kidding. But seriously, if you've never seen star wars then watch it :) - ST

When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmm? - Yoda in Episode 6: Return of the Jedi.

- IK :D

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